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First and foremost, Cassie and I would like to express sincere gratitude for all those who donated physical items and time for our yard sale, and for all those who contributed to our cause. It's all possible because of the generosity of friends and family. I guess you could say that we are now yard sale veterans ... who knew that it would take some much effort to host one of these?! Cassie and I were exhausted after both days and could barely stay awake for quite some time! We rewarded ourselves with greasy hamburgers, fries, onion rings, and a chocolate malt from a local food joint we had yet to try. Needless to say, we're going back there for sure!


With recent events, we are eternally grateful for a loving God who has provided a plan for His children to return to Him again, all through Jesus Christ. Though these fundraising events demand much effort and hard work, the grant applications are endless, and the waiting game can be frustrating and discouraging, it's really small in the grand scheme of it all. We know we will be blessed through adoption (and have been already), but we know that we already have a great family and have made solid connections that will last a lifetime. It's about making those connections and building relationships that matter which brings joy and fulfillment to living life.

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